This site will list various auctions during the year. These are Paper and Paperboard offerings. The material
is sold absolutely "as is". Some of the auctions are for paper owned by Pulp & Paper, LLC.
Other auctions are for paper owned by another merchant or mill. Some of the pallets or reels may be damaged.
Stocklists and photos are provided on this website.
This is an actual picture of this month's special auction:
Any offer must come in by Sunday Jan 11th 2004. We will discuss you bid with the owners of the pallets. This is
technically a "salvage" type lot- though most of the paper is undamaged in very good condition. Ream wrapped. This is a lot
to pick up and re palletize. It can be resold in a merchant environment or used for commerical printing. There are a
number of restrictions here-we will guide you accordingly. We will take the highest bid, and upon submitting it, require
a deposit before January 14th. The final bids will be in Jan 14th and the final outcome will be decided Jan 15th.
Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!