Cartoncillo reciclado- se aceptara pedidos para la exportacion. Tambien, la fabrica esta en venta- incluye clientes, edificio, y maquina 15000 pies mas cortadora, y maquinaria auxiliar. Una base de clientes sumamente solido con la posibilidad de facturar hasta un 40% mas sin modificar el actual proceso de produccion. La materia prima viene gratis de fabricas alrededor, y la fabrica es autosuficiente a nivel energia. El precio andara alrededor de un millon de dolares USA. Para mas informacion, pongase en contacto con o fabrica directamente: Sr Hull Fax 00-1-914-758-6321.
Mill is now producing Chip Board and News Board for domestic and export -for pricing contact or directly with mill in Red Hook, New York USA for FOB price. Export is cash against documents.
This Board mill is FOR SALE- Contact : Barry Hull at the mill:
Tel 914-758-6321 (USA)
Fax 914-758-6321 (USA)

Mill features a Black Clawson Board Machine |

Newsboard and Chipboard |
The Red Hook boardmill, of New York produces both Newsboard and Chipboard for both domestic use and export. This is an extremely efficient mill featuring a 60" trim width Black Clawson board machine, an 8 foot Black Clawson pulper among other features.
Mill capacity is 15 tons of converted board daily |

Mill is actively taking orders. Also, the mill is for sale, with no outstanding debts and no unpaid invoices. Featuring a strong client base including accounts such as Quebecor, the mill includes the pulper, hi density cleaners, the 5 foot board machine, slitter winder and sheeter, among many other features including the forklift. Includes the entire 15,000 square foot building. Raw materials are free from a neighboring tissue mill, the mill has selfgenerating power source with abundant water, and meets all environmental requirements.

Raw material-sludge from nearby mills |